Apply Online
The quickest & easiest way is to send your images to us via this page. Make sure you complete all the sections and someone will be in touch with you if we feel that you have the right look for us.
Visit Us
Call us at 915-313-4570 to set up an appointment with one of our agents.
Recruitment Warning
Please be aware that there are certain individuals purporting to be representatives or scouts working for BAZAAR MODEL MANAGEMENT.
BAZAAR MODEL MANAGEMENT does not request nude or lingerie pictures, we do not request a fee to view your pictures. If you are a minor, we suggest that you alert a parent or responsible adult immediately.
If you are contacted by anyone claiming to be a representative of
BAZAAR MODEL MANAGEMENT, please do not respond without first verifying their identity by emailing info@bazaarmodels.com. All BAZAAR MODEL MANAGEMENT emails come from @bazaarmodels.com only. You can also look on the website and see all the agents that work for BAZAAR MODEL MANAGEMENT